Arunisha Sengupta
Arunisha Sengupta is a Spiritual Public Figure. Originally a professional MARCOM Consultant, her call to spirituality from a tender age prompted her to take up the Sadhana of the Ancient Hindu Fire Ritual HOMA.
Arunisha Sengupta
Profile: Spiritual Public Figure
Date of Birth: March 1971
Alma Mater: Ruia College
Nationality: Indian
Years Active: 2010–present
Education: Mass Communication
<meta property="schema" content='{"@context":"","@type":"Person","name":"Arunisha Sengupta","birthDate":"1971-03-01","birthPlace":{"@type":"Place","name":"Varanasi, India"},"nationality":"Indian","education":{"@type":"EducationalOrganization","name":"Ruia College","degree":"Bachelor's degree in Journalism and Mass Communication"},"jobTitle":"Spiritual Public Figure","worksFor":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Self-Employed"},"careerStartYear":"2010","description":"Arunisha Sengupta is a Spiritual Public Figure and expert in HOMA, sharing insights on ancient Vedic teachings through her blog and YouTube channel.","url":""}'>
Arunisha was born in Varanasi in March 1971. Immediately after her birth, her parents shifted to Mumbai. She completed her schooling and college in Mumbai and obtained a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication.
After graduation, Arunisha started working as a Public Relations and MARCOM consultant, handling various high profile clients over the years. She still continues to work as a professional in the field.
Since an early age, Arunisha had always had the calling for spirituality. After seeking various paths, she found her true calling with fire and started her sadhana as a HOMA practitioner. Over the years, she has become an expert in the matter and now, she teaches HOMA to all spiritual aspirants. She also provides deep insights into the ancient Vedic preaching and wisdom through her blog and YouTubeYoutube channel.